Oil Job Hunting Guide
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A petroleum geologist is an occupation that involves all aspects of oil discovery and production. Petroleum geologists are usually linked to the actual discovery of oil and the identification of possible oil deposits or leads. Studies well logs, analyzes cores and cuttings from well drillings, and interprets data obtained by electrical or radioactive well logging and other subsurface surveys to identify earth strata. Examines aerial photographs, evaluates results of geophysical prospecting, and prepares surface and subsurface maps and diagrams depicting stratigraphic arrangement and composition of earth and probable deposits of gas and oil. Recommends acquisition, retention, or release of property leases or contracts. Estimates oil reserves in proven or prospective fields, and consults with petroleum energy (gas industry) concerning drilling and production methods. May also direct drilling of shallow exploratory wells.
It can be a very labor intensive task involving several different fields of science and elaborate machinery.
Petroleum geologists make the decision on where the location of drilling will occur. This is done by locating a sedimentary basin. Petroleum geologists determine the well’s integrity with seven main aspects according orthodox view of petroleum exploration:
* Source- The presence of Hydrocarbons in the reservoir.
* Reservoir- The porous medium that contains the Hydrocarbons.
* Seal- The rock unit that inhibits the oil from escaping the seal.
* Trap- Structural feature that impedes the escape of Hydrocarbons.
* Timing- The idea that events occurred in a certain order to allow the decomposition of organic matter into Hydrocarbons.
* Maturation- The alloted time for the decompostition of organics into oil.
* Migration- The flow of the (less dense) oil up the reservoir to the trap.
These seven key aspects allow the Petroleum geologist to obtain a 1-dimensional idea of the subsurface. Some other data may be obtained via Geophysical methods. Geophysical logs show the seismology data of elastic waves, mainly seismic reflection. This allows a 3-dimensional look of the trap, and source rock. More data may be obtained from the mudlogger, who analyzes the drill cuttings and the rock formation thicknesses.
The program required to work in this post is applied geology. Then obtain specialisation in petroleum geology. The program has a lot to do with the history of the earth and the mineral composition of the earth crust. You must score at least 3.5 out of four point to qualify for any rewarding job. The work load is not really enormous but it is memory tasking because you will have enough big words to memorise and recall. There is a "professional pipeline" for geologists. To qualify for a geoscience job a person must earn a bachelor's degree at minimum and many earn a master's degree to compete more effectively in the job market. This education takes at least four to six years.
When the job seekers first obtain all the neccessary qualification for this job. He most be a great visionary swimming ability for this job is a necessity. And finally you must be ready to enjoy yourself when away from home and your family at least every two weeks of each month just to work off shore to collect your samples for analysis.
The compensation is quite rewarding and very adventurous. $43,000 base salaries. House and transportation allowance. The company also pay the wife $15,000 per month. The whole family, at least three of the children have access to the company's hospital.

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